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Mutual trust and common prosperity, cooperation and exchanges between BSH China and Uniworks Electronics

Views: 18     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2023-09-18      Origin: Site

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Mutual trust and common prosperity, cooperation and exchanges between BSH China and Uniworks Electronics

Recently, BSH (Jiangsu) Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as BSH) and Uniworks Electronics have carried out a series of cooperation exchanges and business negotiations.

On August 28, 2023, BSH Spanish Senior Procurement Director Mr. Luis Javier Ferreruela Blesa and Mr. Cao Lilei visited Uniworks Electronics.The two parties had an in-depth exchange of views on cooperation goals and plans. During the subsequent visit to the production site and automation equipment, Mr. Luis Ferreruela fully recognized and spoke highly of Uniworks Electronics' production and operation work.

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On August 29, 2023, Mr. Fang Rong, General Manager of Uniworks, was invited to participate in the Moroccan Maghreb Promotion Conference held at the BSH R&D Building.At the meeting, Mr. Luis Javier Ferreruela Blesa, Senior Procurement Director of Spain, introduced the basic situation of the BSH Maghreb project to everyone, and Mr. Khalid El Azzouzi, Ambassador of Morocco to China, introduced investment opportunities and development prospects in Morocco and Tunisia.

In the 'one-on-one meeting' that afternoon, Mr. Fang Rong, Mr. Luis Ferreruela and Mr. Khalid El Azzouzi once again discussed and communicated on the feasibility of Uniworks Electronics' investment and development in the Maghreb.

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On September 1, 2023, Mr. Zhang Yu and Mr. Cao Lilei, BSH Greater China Electrical Components Operation Directors, visited Uniworks Electronics for visit and guidance.At the production site, Mr. Zhang Yu and Mr. Cao Lilei inspected the production process and quality control of Uniworks Electronics, and also visited RAST fully automatic and semi-automatic equipment. The production process and product quality of Uniworks Electronics were highly praised by both of them.

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Since 2005, Uniworks Electronics has established a long-term friendly strategic cooperation with BSH, covering refrigerators, washing machines, kitchenware, small household appliances and other fields.Uniworks Electronics is committed to providing customers with perfect cost-effective products and continuing to meet customer expectations.In the future, Uniworks Electronics and BSH will continue to deepen and broaden the areas of cooperation, work together for win-win cooperation!

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