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Good news丨Congratulations to Uniworks Electronics for winning the title of 'Jiangsu Province Specialized, Special and New Small and Medium Enterprises'

Views: 9     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2024-01-26      Origin: Site

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Good news丨Congratulations to Uniworks Electronics for winning the title of 'Jiangsu Province Specialized, Special and New Small and Medium Enterprises'

Recently, the Jiangsu Provincial Department of Industry and Information Technology released the 2023 provincial list of specialized and new small and medium-sized enterprises and issued certificates.Nanjing Uniworks Electronics Co., Ltd. deservedly won the title of 'Jiangsu Province Specialized, Special and New Small and Medium-sized Enterprises in 2023' in this selection.Obtaining this honor is recognition of Uniworks Electronics' unremitting efforts over the years, and also highly affirms Uniworks Electronics' business capabilities and development potential.

Uniworks Electronics has been deeply involved in the field of professional wiring harness products for 20 years. It currently accounts for 7% of the domestic market, ranking 3rd in the province and 5th in the country.It has a digitalization level of Level 3 and has obtained ISO9001, ISO14001 and integrated management system certification. It has 2 invention patents and 46 utility model patents.Core businesses such as R&D and design, production and manufacturing, operation management, operation and maintenance services, and supply chain management have built SCM, CRM, ERP, MES, WMS, ANDON and OA systems to open up data islands and realize data exchange with customers and suppliers. shared.

Since its establishment in March 2003, Uniworks Electronics has always adhered to the company's purpose and adhered to 'focus, refinement, innovation, timeliness, and satisfaction', which is in line with 'specialization, refinement, distinctiveness, and innovative capabilities' A high degree of consistency is required.

※ Our strategy

Focus: Focus on nothing but concentration, and be deeply involved in the wire harness design and production industry.

Exquisite: Continuously improve the design level of products to make them more perfect.

Innovation: not only constantly seeking innovation and changes in products, but also innovating and changing company management operations, production manufacturing processes and automation.

Timely: Respond to and follow up on customer demands, supplier demands and employee demands as soon as possible.

Satisfaction: customer satisfaction, social satisfaction, employee satisfaction.

※ Our mission

Globally competitive practitioners and leaders

※ Our vision

Become an integrator of wire harness solutions

Winning the title of 'Provincial Specialty, Specialty and New' fully proves the remarkable achievements of Uniworks Electronics in technological innovation, market development and development potential. It is not only an affirmation of Uniworks Electronics' past efforts, but also a positive influence on future development. inspiring and motivating.Uniworks Electronics will take this opportunity to further clarify its original intention, adhere to its philosophy, adhere to long-termism, continue to follow the path of quality and technological innovation, and not be the first in the big market, but the only one in the small market.

Concentration,Refinement, Innovation,Timely,Satisfaction